Phunk Phenomenon Dance Complex
Phunk Phenomenon
Now Registering for Classes
Phunk Phenomenon
Now Registering for Classes
The studio has been setup with sanitizing stations, touch less soap and paper towel dispensers in the restrooms, air cleaners in both studios, and there are 6x6 markings on the floors for the kids to stay socially distanced while dancing. We will follow the state/CDC guidelines this season. Due to the current situation only the baby classes will be allowed to have parents in the building. All students will be met outside by the teachers or manager and brought into the building and escorted out before the next class comes in. All Classes will be 45 minutes. Once a class concludes and the kids exit the studio the 15 minutes before the next class comes in will be used for cleaning/sanitizing.
Students will
Be required to have and wear a mask in common areas.
While maintaining social distancing Mask breaks may be taken before, during, and after dancing.

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